Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Exciting News!

So...when I originally got my call, I had to wait for 133 days! 

That's a long time...of waiting. 

But now, I'm over halfway done and better yet, I only have

FIFTY DAYS LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!

From the missionary website!

I'm so excited! 

Learning my Russian!

Today at work I keep finding things that I could make say "50" to celebrate! 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Call

 It was FINALLY here!  But I still had to wait 2 hours to open it.

When the mailman (actually a lady...) drove away, I ran down the stairs.  RAN...like the fastest I have ever run!  I was shaking and excited and now that I think back on it, really surprised that I didn't fall down, crack my head open, and then die.  Thank goodness that didn't happen!

I opened the mailbox and there it was!  It was actually there. I pulled it out of the mailbox, screaming and jumping up and down! I took my first look at it!  It was beautiful!

I saw the postage...$1.90 (supposedly postage of $1.90 implies foreign).  I freaked out a little. Ok, A LOT!  I couldn't believe that this moment was finally here!

I thought about where I would be going.  I took some Spanish in high school, so I thought South America, maybe Spain.  I could see myself going to a Visitor's Center, or in the United States, maybe speaking Spanish.

But I didn't know!

I went back up to my apartment, made the appropriate calls and texts, and waited.  While I waited, I made cookies.  They were shaped like little worlds. While I waited, I cleaned the whole apartment.  While I waited, I held the call. And just looked at it.  (Is that weird??? maybe a little bit...)

Finally it was time to open the call. Or so I thought.  Setting up the Skype, waiting for people to get off work, Making sure my parents could hear...Everything took longer than I wanted it too. I just wanted to open my call already!

Finally we started...We sang Called To Serve.  We said a prayer.  Many of the people that I loved and cared about and that love and care about me were there.  My grandpa and a member of my bishopric said a few things.  And then it was time for me to open my call.

I was shaking SO much!  I could hardly use the letter opener.  My aunt joked that I was going to rip my letter in half.  I was shaking so much that it could've happened!

Sorry for the poor quality of the video...But anyways...

After I opened the call I hurried and put it under the packet so I couldn't read ahead.  I began reading and this is what is said...

          Dear Sister Ford
You are hearby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  You are assigned to labor in the Ukraine Kyiv Mission.  It is anticipated that you will serve for a period of 18 months.
You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, March 27th, 2013.  You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Russian language. 
The Letter, signed by President Thomas S. Monson


I couldn't believe it!  Never in a million years would I have guessed Ukraine!  However when I read it and once the shock passed, I knew it was the right place for me!  BUT I must say that I was a little shell-shocked for probably a week!

Something I love about mission calls is that it is like the ONLY time when the Lord sends you a letter, through his apostles and prophets, that tells you what to do and where to serve! He loves me and is sending me where I need to go!  That is a huge blessing in my life!

Friends there to support me! 

love Lonna and Kelsie! 

Brother Perkins and His Wife both came 

Grandma and Grandpa! 

 It was so great to have the support of everyone that came.  I remember looking up and seeing more than one person crying.  It was a really special moment for me.

How Book of Mormon, Ukraine, and my name look in Russian! 

 Now it's time to start learning some Russian!

Russian Book of Mormon! 

Where in the World Will Kati Serve?

So...I know this post is a little delayed, BUT I really wanted a place where I could see that places where everyone guessed!  (It's a lot of places)

 I Bought

 --A map of the United States

--A map of the World

--A 10 dollar Cold Stone Gift Card
--Orange Sticker Dots

And then I told everyone to guess 1 foreign place, and 1 stateside place!  The winner (whoever guessed correctly) or I (if no one guessed correctly) would win the gift card!  It was SO much fun to see where everyone thought I was going to go!  

The Guesses
Person               Stateside Guess               Foreign Guess
  •          Colby H.                          Washington                                           Belgium
  •          Adam G.                          Temple Square                                      Chile
  •          DeAndra                          Oregon                                                  Canada
  •          HD S.                              Massachusetts                                        Italy
  •          Jacob M.                          Michigan                                               Australia
  •          Susan B.                          Oregon                                                  Guatemala
  •          Kristi F.                           Temple Square                                      Brazil
  •          Cameron W.                    Georgia                                                  Sweden
  •          Stacia M.                         California                                               Mexico
  •          Kelsie C.                         South Carolina                                       Spain
  •          Danielle H.                                                                                    Ireland, England
  •          Marlee M.                       Temple Square                                      Venezuela
  •          Celeste B.                       Ohio                                                      Brazil
  •          Aaron E.                         Texas                                                     Chile
  •          Issaka A.                         New Mexico                                          Germany
  •          Baylie M.                        Maryland                                               Australia
  •          Kaiser A.                        Washington                                            Mexico
  •          Amy E.                           Minnesota                                              Sweden
  •          Tydin J.                          Washington D.C.                                   Romania 
  •          Erin B.                            Florida                                                   France
  •          McKell S.                       Maine                                                    Peru
  •          Tricia J                           Oregon                                                   Europe
  •          Jenni (Mom)                   Alaska                                                   Tonga
  •          Arlene (Grandma)          Florida                                                   England
  •          Sherry H.                        Baltimore, Maryland                             England
  •          Parker F.                         Alabama                                               China
  •          Tyson F.                         Kentucky                                               New Zealand
  •          Zach F.                           Montana                                                Brazil
  •          Jim (Dad)                        North Dakota                                        Spain
  •          Kelli G.                           Chicago                                                Denmark
  •          Mallorie P.                      Indiana                                                  Norway
  •          Lonna C.                        Oklahoma                                             Korea
  •          Pam J.                             Florida                                                  South Africa
  •          Shannon F.                     Arkansas or Maine
  •          Michael P.                      Idaho                                                     Ukraine, Germany
  •          Anna F.                                                                                        New Zealand
  •          Doug L.                          Iowa, Wisconsin                                   Canada
  •          Crystal H.                       Florida                                                   Japan  
  •          Blake L.                                                                                       Canada 
  •          Clarissa M.                                                                                  Mozambique
  •          Liza S.                                                                                         Australia 
  •          Kianna G.                       Washington                       
  •          Lindsea V.                      Texas                                                    Argentina 
  •          Barb G.                          Wisconsin                                              Spain
  •          Sharon G.                       Florida, Alaska                                      England, Jamaica 
  •          Issac J.                            Maine                                                    Canada
  •          Steve G.                         Florida                                                   Canada
  •          Ann N.                                                                                          Japan
  •          RaeAnne E.                    Oregon                                                  Australia 
  •          Bonner Y.                      Arizona
  •          John P.                                                                                          Hong Kong, China
  •          Jason H.                         Tulsa Oklahoma                                    Argentina
  •          Ashley H.                       New York                                             Germany
  •          Larry H.                         Los Angeles, California                         Chile
  •          Rob C.                           Wisconsin                                               France
  •          Kate H.                          Tennessee                                               Italy 
  •          Grandpa C.                                                                                   Brazil
  •          Marissa E.                      West Virgina                                         Brazil
  •          Whitni E.                        New Mexico                                         Paraguay 
  •          Nisa H.                          Nebraska                                               Costa Rica
  •          Judy C.                          Missouri                                                 Denmark
  •          Lacey H.                        South Carolina                                      Chile
  •          Steve C.                         Alabama                                                Zimbabwe 
  •          Lia F.                             Delaware                                               Japan
  •          Kyle F.                          Indiana                                                   Taiwan 
  •          Barrett C.                       Maine                                                    Ethiopia
  •          Ethan C.                        Hawaii                                                   Panama 
  •          Kyle C.                          Idaho                                                    China 
  •          Courtney G.                   California                                             Argentina
  •          Keslee D.                       Louisiana                                             Argentina 
  •          Staci S.                           Oregon                                                 Uruguay 
  •          Ashley S.                       North Dakota                                        Brazil, Columbia 
  •          Ashley S.'s Dad             Florida                                                  Brazil
  •          Blaire P.                         Illinois                                                   Peru
  •          Josie P.                          Virginia                                                Honduras 
  •          Jacob F.                         Tennessee                                             Canada
  •          Tim G.                           Iowa                                                      Iceland
  •          Carter G.                       Maine                                                   Algeria
  •          Jake C.                          Boston                                                  Russia
  •          Alyssa C.                      Tennessee                                               Italy
  •          Devin D.                        Indiana                                                 Poland
  •          Tyler G.                        Maine                                                    Romania
  •          Chad M.                        Washington                                           Finland 
  •          Claire P.                        Ohio                                                      Germany
  •          India S.                          New Hampshire 
  •          Grandma L.                   New Jersey                                           Paris
  •          Sam G.                          Kansas                                                  Spain
  •          Julie F.                         Nevada                                                   Ireland 
  •          Grandpa L.                  Washington                                            England
  •          Sadie D.                       Ohio                                                      England
  •          Spencer G.                   Florida                                                   England
  •          Ashley S.'s Mom                                                                       Australia 
  •          Sydney G.                    Hawaii                                                  China              
  •          Bro Dowd                    California                                             Spain 
  •          Ben K.                          Indiana                                                 Mexico 
  •          Allyscha M.                  Illinois                                                  Nigeria 

  It was SO MUCH FUN to put everyone's guesses up!  I loved wondering about where I would go!  I would imagine what it would be like to serve in each place people said! 

The world map with guesses on it! 

Fun Facts About My Guesses
  • The most popular state was Florida, with 8 guesses (about 10% of the stateside guesses), followed closely by Washington (5), Maine (5) and Oregon (5).  
  • About 80 percent of the United States were guessed at least once! States not guessed include Colorado, Mississippi, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming! 
  • 96 people placed a guess of where I would go, and only 1 person won!
  • The most popular foreign guess was Brazil with 8 votes! Other popular foreign guesses included Argentina, Canada, Chile, England, and Spain. 
  • I had guesses on 6 of the 7 continents (No one guessed Antarctica!) 

So...I have a slight confession to make.  I really didn't want to make a guess myself. I didn't want to think so much about it and then be disappointed when I didn't go to where I thought I would.  So here's what I did instead...
I printed out a list of EVERY MISSION and played a giant game of M.A.S.H.. You know, the game that you used to play when you were a teenage girl where you would write down boys, jobs, number of children, etc, and then pick a random number and go through, crossing out the results until their was only one left in each section.  And then that was your "future life".  I did that!
I only had two sections, FOREIGN MISSIONS, and STATESIDE MISSIONS. 
It took FOREVER!! But it was so much fun!  
MY RESULTS? Salt Lake City South and Nigeria!  Those would of never in a million years be my guesses for myself!  

So once everyone had guessed, it was time to open the call!! 


So...after I turned in my papers (it took about 3 weeks between all the appointments-doctors, dentists, bishop, stake president, etc..). I was stuck to wait. 

The average wait time is 2-3 weeks! That's a lot of time to think about where you will be called to serve!  For me, it was kinda a stressful time. 

This was the weekend that my brother came to visit! So luckily, he kept me pretty sane and busy!  But it still didn't keep me from wondering where I was going the whole time!

I turned my papers in on a Tuesday night!  That Friday,  I went to have lunch with my grandma who works at the church office building.  She was able to call one of her friends that works in the mission office and while I was there, I found out that my mission call had been assigned!  That was a CRAZY moment for me.  At that moment, people (although not me) knew where I had been assigned to serve!  At that moment, I simply wanted to break into the area where they assigned mission calls and demand to find out where I was assigned. I was able to restrain myself, but it took the suspense to a whole new level!! 
The picture I took after I found out my mission call was assigned!
Do you think the snow was a little clue?!?!

You know how I mentioned above that the average wait time was 2-3 weeks?  Well...my call had been assigned in 3 DAYS! That meant that I was going to get it in 1 WEEK, instead of 2-3! It was crazy fast!! 

My brother left the following Tuesday and that afternoon I went to the Provo temple.  I was very anxious and stressed.  I was so worried about being disappointed or scared.  I even had this irrational thought about me opening my call and it revealing that I had been denied the right to serve (How sad!). I knew deep down in my heart that the Lord would assign me to where I was needed, where my skills would best suited, where I could help others, and share the gospel but I was still nervous! When we got to the temple, there were TONS of people (The Provo temple always has a ton of people but this was the most I had EVER seen!).  There were so many people there that instead of waiting in the chapel, watching baptisms and immediately changing, we waited in another separate room.  While we waited, we sang hymns.  

As I had gone to the temple, I had gone with a desire to feel peace and comfort, instead of the anxiety I had been feeling.  As I waited, singing hymns, someone suggested that we sing hymn 270,

  I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go. 

  1.  It may not be on the mountain’s height,
    Or over the stormy sea;
    It may not be at the battle’s front,
    My Lord will have need of me;
    But if by a still, small voice He calls,
    To paths that I do not know,
    I’ll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in Thine,
    I’ll go where You want me to go.
    • Refrain:
      I’ll go where You want me to go, dear Lord,
      O’er mountain, or plain, or sea;
      I’ll say what You want me to say, dear Lord,
      I’ll be what You want me to be.
  2. Perhaps today there are loving words
    Which Jesus would have me speak;
    There may be now in the paths of sin,
    Some wand’rer whom I should seek;
    O Savior, if Thou wilt be my guide,
    Though dark and rugged the way,
    My voice shall echo Thy message sweet,
    I’ll say what You want me to say.
  3. There’s surely somewhere a lowly place,
    In earth’s harvest fields so white,
    Where I may labor through life’s short day,
    For Jesus the Crucified;
    So trusting my all to Thy tender care,
    And knowing Thou lovest me,
    I’ll do Thy will with a heart sincere,
    I’ll be what You want me to be.

  4. The words hit me so strong.  I realized that
  5.  I WOULD go where the Lord wanted me to go, 
  6. I WOULD say what he prompted me to say, 
  7.  I WOULD be what he wanted me to be! 
  8. That created such a peaceful feeling.  I thought about where I was going to be called and instead of being anxious or nervous, I felt at peace.  I especially loved the lyrics that talked about being called to a place that I didn't know.  I knew that I could be called anywhere, but that the Lord loves me and while take care of me.  That was the best comfort that I could've been given at that time! The Lord had assigned me a place through his loving prophet and leaders and I knew that it was what he wanted.  

That was really comforting at this time.  I felt much better about my call coming.  Instead of feeling worried, I was excited.  In fact, when I woke up that Wednesday, I couldn't focus in any of my classes. In fact, I spent all my class googling and watching Youtube Mission Calls, in addition to checking Facebook and Instagram (#missioncall, so awesome!) -- my advice, if you are waiting for a mission call, don't do this...It will waste HOURS of your time!  (But in a good way!) 

Picture I sent to my mom during class.
What I said?!?
"Mom!  I am so excited for today! I can't even focus!
I haven't listened to a word my professor has said today"

When it was finally time for me to go back to my apartment, I hurried SO fast. And I grabbed that mail key, ran down to check the mailbox -- it was EMPTY. The mail hadn't come yet :(  
Later picture to my mom said,
"No mail...yet. Don't worry, I am watching very closely"

The next two hours were some of the longest of my life as I stared out my window waiting for the mail to come! But eventually it did, and my call was there!! YAY!
I'm kinda a stalker!  But there it is!! :) 

It came! FINALLY! 
Stay tuned for everyone's guesses AND the call! 

Friday, February 1, 2013

The announcement, then MY ANNOUNCEMENT!

On October 6th, 2012 my life changed...

This was the moment:

So a little bit of background of this moment.  We had been a little rushed that morning. I had been up late the night before and that morning I woke up early to make cinnamon rolls (YUM!).  We had a bunch of people watching general conference with us (So many that we pulled the neighbors couch in so that we had enough seats!).  Everyone was just arriving and somewhat loud.  In addition, we were trying to figure out the volume on the computer.

Right before they announced the mission age change, they announced the new temples.  I LOVE temples, so at the moment I ran over to my computer and listened them announce the new temples.  Then I listened as President Monson continued onto missionary work.  I had a feeling that something BIG was going to happen so I told everyone to be quiet and listen to this part.  At that moment, He announced that young men could now serve at age 18.

To say that was a shock would be an understatement! We had several young men that all of a sudden became available to serve!  It was a little crazy.  Shortly after, we realized that President Monson was still talking.  My heart was pounding and at that moment, I heard him continue on to make the announcement about the sisters serving at age 19! It was such a surreal moment!

I almost immediately started crying!  I couldn't believe how much my life had (or had the potential to) change! No one was listening to conference at that moment, as we were completely overcome with emotion.  I called my mom, only to realize that she had been at my brother's cross country race, and HAD MISSED THE WHOLE ANNOUNCEMENT! What?!?! I had to explain that I could leave on a mission NOW! She didn't really understand at first, and it was surprising to her (surprising to everyone...).

I was extremely overwhelmed with emotion. Luckily, I have a marvelous mother and she explained that just because they had made the announcement that day, it didn't mean I had to make a decision today or even anytime soon. It was a great comfort.

Facebook status after the age change! 

I was so blessed that I had received conference tickets for the Sunday Morning Session. So Saturday afternoon, my roommates and I drove up to my Aunt's house in Sandy.  We had a fun night, going out to pizza and spending time with friends and family.  The dominant topic was (obviously) the age change.  Going to spend time with my extended family gave me a chance to ask them questions and get various opinions.  However, I was still in shock...I was so taken back by the announcement and was not expecting the age change AT ALL! I could only think about if I should go or not.

I was very unsettled so I ended up asking my uncle for a blessing.  The blessing gave me great comfort and peace.  At the moment, I decided to fast the next day while we went to conference.  Although I didn't expect an answer to all my questions, I hoped that I might know what I should do.

The next day, after a night of craft projects, late night talks, and four girls sleeping in the same bed, we woke up (late) to get ready to go to the Sunday Morning Conference Session. We were so excited, but tired! We rode the Trax up and got to the session! As we sat down and waiting, I felt calm.  I had a feeling that I would know by the end of the day if the Lord wanted me to serve or not. However, I was prepared to not immediately receive an answer too!

On the trax!  So excited for conference! :)

As I sat there waiting for the session to start, I had a little thought, hey, maybe if we sing Called to Serve as the Intermediate Hymn, maybe it would mean I was supposed to serve.  I didn't really think about that again, but I did realized that simply singing Called to Serve wouldn't mean that I was going to serve a mission.

I also thought about questions and doubts I had about serving a mission.  I had a list of them and I kept thinking about them.

Then conference began.  As every speaker spoke, EVERY ONE  of my doubts and questions was answered.  By the end of the first few talks, I was almost sure that I was going to serve a mission.  And then they announced the hymn, Called to Serve.  As we stood up to sing, I was overcome by the strongest spirit,  prompting me to serve a mission, and to turn in my papers as soon as possible. Tears streamed down my face as I realized that I was going to serve a mission!

As soon as the session was done, I called my parents.  I told them that I was to serve a mission.  They were so supportive.  I talked to my dad for a long time and  we cried, laughed, and talked together.  This discussion with my dad only strengthened my decision to serve a mission.  I was so happy (and to tell the truth, still in shock)

Does it look like I just made a life changing decision?!?
I went back to BYU, and that very day, I began my mission papers!

Top Ten Reasons Why Life is Crazy at College!

I feel like I have been brought back to normal life! Why? Because I was a college student...and college is nothing like normal life!

Let me start by saying that college is SO fun!  The best times of my life have been when I was at BYU (Go Cougars)!  However, let me present a list:

Incoming Freshman 2012! 
 Top Ten Reasons Why Life is Crazy at College!
 (Especially at BYU!) 

10.) There is always something to do!  I like being busy, so the constant dances, sporting events, church activities, and special events were so much fun! It made for a crazy lifestyle but a FUN time! 

JIMMER! Yeah- I met him! 
First Football game!! I love football! 
Flour dodgeball!  So fun!! 
9.) HOMEWORK!  Classes are harder in college!  That means there will be studying, homework, tests, and projects! My roommates and I had a special routine for studying...it goes like this:
  • Study for 45 minutes
  • Eat a snack
  • Nap for 20 minutes
  • Repeat.
Maybe not the best ideas ever, but it worked (somewhat) for us!! It wasn't quite as stressful and it gave us something to look forward to (Because college students love naps)!!

8.) Adult Responsibilities.  Finally I've reached or did reach a point where I was responsible for cooking, cleaning, having a job, and taking care of myself. There are a lot of college students that get independence and go CRAZY (and in a bad way)!  Staying out too late, not taking studies seriously, or breaking or failing to keep personal commitments. DON'T DO THIS! Make rules for yourself and follow them.  BYU has an honor code, if your university is like this, follow it!  It will make you happy!

See, I can take care of myself!! I made Thanksgiving Dinner :) 
7.) Continuing on the above somewhat...holding a job.  I was lucky in my first semester of college that I didn't have to work full time (In fact- I didn't work very many hours at all). BUT- I did work early-ish in the morning (6:30), so I always was tired! But it was a change for me, having to be responsible for getting to my job and on time every time I worked. I couldn't count on my family to make sure I was on time, so I set multiple alarms every morning. It made for crazy mornings if I work up late! 
I'm a workin' lady! Loved my job!

6.) Finally having roommates!  I've never had sisters so my roommates (love you Ashley and Laekynn) were in many cases like the sisters I have never had! I had so many crazy, fun experiences with them! It made college so much fun! Roommates can be hard, especially if you have never shared a room before or had siblings! But even if you have, it can be hard to adjust to new people and new experiences!  Roommates are a great part of going off to school, and the memories will be some of the best memories of your college experiences!  And- roommates can be life-long friends! My roommates and I did some crazy things (including trying to find a restaurant 25 minutes away before it closed in 30 minutes-- it was worth it in the end).  I am so glad I got to spend my first semester with them!! 

Temple trip with my roomies :) Love them! 

5.) I've very active in my church (I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or a Mormon.  You can read more about my faith here!) But when I went off to college, I was part of a university/student congregation.  That was a lot more responsibility and a lot of fun! I had a calling in the church that required a lot of meetings--which in turn took away my Sunday Nap Time (see, college students really do love naps!) But it was fun and exciting and gave me some great leadership opportunities! 

4.) College is insane because for the first time EVER (for most students) they live far away from their families.  I know this was hard for me because I'm really close to my parents and 4 younger brothers. One of my best memories was when my brother came to visit for the weekend!  

3.) Two words- Cleaning Checks. I'm pretty sure they purposely schedule those at the most inconvenient times (ok...not really, but it seems like that!) although it is nice to have a set schedule for everything to be clean by, it is stressful to have to schedule time for cleaning.  I don't know if everywhere has cleaning checks, but it was crazy for me!

My clean desk after cleaning checks! 
2.) FINALS.  The worst thing (in my humble opinion) about school.  I really wasn't expecting them to be that bad...but they actually require studying and they have a huge impact on grades!  Here's my thoughts- if you keep up on assignments and (more importantly) readings throughout the semester and if you attend study session with the TA's/the Professor (if you are lucky enough to have a Professor that attends review session) then you will be in much better shape! However you still have to study on your own!! Don't procrastinate!  You DO NOT want to be the kid that bursts into tears during the middle of a test in the Testing Center! (On a happier note, be the kid that takes a casserole to eat during the middle of the test -- true story!) 

1.) The number one reason why school is so CRAZY is that no one sleeps! Everyone wants to have         fun, do homework, date, relax, have a job and on and on and on. Combine ALL that with late night girl chats, nights of no sleep, and other random events and that equals little to no sleep! This is one thing that I don't miss about school! This girl loves her sleep! 

I love college and I love BYU! 

So although I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED school, I am now home from school.  If you are wondering why, stay tuned for my next post :) 
