Saturday, February 2, 2013


So...after I turned in my papers (it took about 3 weeks between all the appointments-doctors, dentists, bishop, stake president, etc..). I was stuck to wait. 

The average wait time is 2-3 weeks! That's a lot of time to think about where you will be called to serve!  For me, it was kinda a stressful time. 

This was the weekend that my brother came to visit! So luckily, he kept me pretty sane and busy!  But it still didn't keep me from wondering where I was going the whole time!

I turned my papers in on a Tuesday night!  That Friday,  I went to have lunch with my grandma who works at the church office building.  She was able to call one of her friends that works in the mission office and while I was there, I found out that my mission call had been assigned!  That was a CRAZY moment for me.  At that moment, people (although not me) knew where I had been assigned to serve!  At that moment, I simply wanted to break into the area where they assigned mission calls and demand to find out where I was assigned. I was able to restrain myself, but it took the suspense to a whole new level!! 
The picture I took after I found out my mission call was assigned!
Do you think the snow was a little clue?!?!

You know how I mentioned above that the average wait time was 2-3 weeks? call had been assigned in 3 DAYS! That meant that I was going to get it in 1 WEEK, instead of 2-3! It was crazy fast!! 

My brother left the following Tuesday and that afternoon I went to the Provo temple.  I was very anxious and stressed.  I was so worried about being disappointed or scared.  I even had this irrational thought about me opening my call and it revealing that I had been denied the right to serve (How sad!). I knew deep down in my heart that the Lord would assign me to where I was needed, where my skills would best suited, where I could help others, and share the gospel but I was still nervous! When we got to the temple, there were TONS of people (The Provo temple always has a ton of people but this was the most I had EVER seen!).  There were so many people there that instead of waiting in the chapel, watching baptisms and immediately changing, we waited in another separate room.  While we waited, we sang hymns.  

As I had gone to the temple, I had gone with a desire to feel peace and comfort, instead of the anxiety I had been feeling.  As I waited, singing hymns, someone suggested that we sing hymn 270,

  I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go. 

  1.  It may not be on the mountain’s height,
    Or over the stormy sea;
    It may not be at the battle’s front,
    My Lord will have need of me;
    But if by a still, small voice He calls,
    To paths that I do not know,
    I’ll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in Thine,
    I’ll go where You want me to go.
    • Refrain:
      I’ll go where You want me to go, dear Lord,
      O’er mountain, or plain, or sea;
      I’ll say what You want me to say, dear Lord,
      I’ll be what You want me to be.
  2. Perhaps today there are loving words
    Which Jesus would have me speak;
    There may be now in the paths of sin,
    Some wand’rer whom I should seek;
    O Savior, if Thou wilt be my guide,
    Though dark and rugged the way,
    My voice shall echo Thy message sweet,
    I’ll say what You want me to say.
  3. There’s surely somewhere a lowly place,
    In earth’s harvest fields so white,
    Where I may labor through life’s short day,
    For Jesus the Crucified;
    So trusting my all to Thy tender care,
    And knowing Thou lovest me,
    I’ll do Thy will with a heart sincere,
    I’ll be what You want me to be.

  4. The words hit me so strong.  I realized that
  5.  I WOULD go where the Lord wanted me to go, 
  6. I WOULD say what he prompted me to say, 
  7.  I WOULD be what he wanted me to be! 
  8. That created such a peaceful feeling.  I thought about where I was going to be called and instead of being anxious or nervous, I felt at peace.  I especially loved the lyrics that talked about being called to a place that I didn't know.  I knew that I could be called anywhere, but that the Lord loves me and while take care of me.  That was the best comfort that I could've been given at that time! The Lord had assigned me a place through his loving prophet and leaders and I knew that it was what he wanted.  

That was really comforting at this time.  I felt much better about my call coming.  Instead of feeling worried, I was excited.  In fact, when I woke up that Wednesday, I couldn't focus in any of my classes. In fact, I spent all my class googling and watching Youtube Mission Calls, in addition to checking Facebook and Instagram (#missioncall, so awesome!) -- my advice, if you are waiting for a mission call, don't do this...It will waste HOURS of your time!  (But in a good way!) 

Picture I sent to my mom during class.
What I said?!?
"Mom!  I am so excited for today! I can't even focus!
I haven't listened to a word my professor has said today"

When it was finally time for me to go back to my apartment, I hurried SO fast. And I grabbed that mail key, ran down to check the mailbox -- it was EMPTY. The mail hadn't come yet :(  
Later picture to my mom said,
"No mail...yet. Don't worry, I am watching very closely"

The next two hours were some of the longest of my life as I stared out my window waiting for the mail to come! But eventually it did, and my call was there!! YAY!
I'm kinda a stalker!  But there it is!! :) 

It came! FINALLY! 
Stay tuned for everyone's guesses AND the call! 

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