Friday, February 1, 2013

Top Ten Reasons Why Life is Crazy at College!

I feel like I have been brought back to normal life! Why? Because I was a college student...and college is nothing like normal life!

Let me start by saying that college is SO fun!  The best times of my life have been when I was at BYU (Go Cougars)!  However, let me present a list:

Incoming Freshman 2012! 
 Top Ten Reasons Why Life is Crazy at College!
 (Especially at BYU!) 

10.) There is always something to do!  I like being busy, so the constant dances, sporting events, church activities, and special events were so much fun! It made for a crazy lifestyle but a FUN time! 

JIMMER! Yeah- I met him! 
First Football game!! I love football! 
Flour dodgeball!  So fun!! 
9.) HOMEWORK!  Classes are harder in college!  That means there will be studying, homework, tests, and projects! My roommates and I had a special routine for goes like this:
  • Study for 45 minutes
  • Eat a snack
  • Nap for 20 minutes
  • Repeat.
Maybe not the best ideas ever, but it worked (somewhat) for us!! It wasn't quite as stressful and it gave us something to look forward to (Because college students love naps)!!

8.) Adult Responsibilities.  Finally I've reached or did reach a point where I was responsible for cooking, cleaning, having a job, and taking care of myself. There are a lot of college students that get independence and go CRAZY (and in a bad way)!  Staying out too late, not taking studies seriously, or breaking or failing to keep personal commitments. DON'T DO THIS! Make rules for yourself and follow them.  BYU has an honor code, if your university is like this, follow it!  It will make you happy!

See, I can take care of myself!! I made Thanksgiving Dinner :) 
7.) Continuing on the above somewhat...holding a job.  I was lucky in my first semester of college that I didn't have to work full time (In fact- I didn't work very many hours at all). BUT- I did work early-ish in the morning (6:30), so I always was tired! But it was a change for me, having to be responsible for getting to my job and on time every time I worked. I couldn't count on my family to make sure I was on time, so I set multiple alarms every morning. It made for crazy mornings if I work up late! 
I'm a workin' lady! Loved my job!

6.) Finally having roommates!  I've never had sisters so my roommates (love you Ashley and Laekynn) were in many cases like the sisters I have never had! I had so many crazy, fun experiences with them! It made college so much fun! Roommates can be hard, especially if you have never shared a room before or had siblings! But even if you have, it can be hard to adjust to new people and new experiences!  Roommates are a great part of going off to school, and the memories will be some of the best memories of your college experiences!  And- roommates can be life-long friends! My roommates and I did some crazy things (including trying to find a restaurant 25 minutes away before it closed in 30 minutes-- it was worth it in the end).  I am so glad I got to spend my first semester with them!! 

Temple trip with my roomies :) Love them! 

5.) I've very active in my church (I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or a Mormon.  You can read more about my faith here!) But when I went off to college, I was part of a university/student congregation.  That was a lot more responsibility and a lot of fun! I had a calling in the church that required a lot of meetings--which in turn took away my Sunday Nap Time (see, college students really do love naps!) But it was fun and exciting and gave me some great leadership opportunities! 

4.) College is insane because for the first time EVER (for most students) they live far away from their families.  I know this was hard for me because I'm really close to my parents and 4 younger brothers. One of my best memories was when my brother came to visit for the weekend!  

3.) Two words- Cleaning Checks. I'm pretty sure they purposely schedule those at the most inconvenient times (ok...not really, but it seems like that!) although it is nice to have a set schedule for everything to be clean by, it is stressful to have to schedule time for cleaning.  I don't know if everywhere has cleaning checks, but it was crazy for me!

My clean desk after cleaning checks! 
2.) FINALS.  The worst thing (in my humble opinion) about school.  I really wasn't expecting them to be that bad...but they actually require studying and they have a huge impact on grades!  Here's my thoughts- if you keep up on assignments and (more importantly) readings throughout the semester and if you attend study session with the TA's/the Professor (if you are lucky enough to have a Professor that attends review session) then you will be in much better shape! However you still have to study on your own!! Don't procrastinate!  You DO NOT want to be the kid that bursts into tears during the middle of a test in the Testing Center! (On a happier note, be the kid that takes a casserole to eat during the middle of the test -- true story!) 

1.) The number one reason why school is so CRAZY is that no one sleeps! Everyone wants to have         fun, do homework, date, relax, have a job and on and on and on. Combine ALL that with late night girl chats, nights of no sleep, and other random events and that equals little to no sleep! This is one thing that I don't miss about school! This girl loves her sleep! 

I love college and I love BYU! 

So although I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED school, I am now home from school.  If you are wondering why, stay tuned for my next post :) 


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