Friday, February 1, 2013

The announcement, then MY ANNOUNCEMENT!

On October 6th, 2012 my life changed...

This was the moment:

So a little bit of background of this moment.  We had been a little rushed that morning. I had been up late the night before and that morning I woke up early to make cinnamon rolls (YUM!).  We had a bunch of people watching general conference with us (So many that we pulled the neighbors couch in so that we had enough seats!).  Everyone was just arriving and somewhat loud.  In addition, we were trying to figure out the volume on the computer.

Right before they announced the mission age change, they announced the new temples.  I LOVE temples, so at the moment I ran over to my computer and listened them announce the new temples.  Then I listened as President Monson continued onto missionary work.  I had a feeling that something BIG was going to happen so I told everyone to be quiet and listen to this part.  At that moment, He announced that young men could now serve at age 18.

To say that was a shock would be an understatement! We had several young men that all of a sudden became available to serve!  It was a little crazy.  Shortly after, we realized that President Monson was still talking.  My heart was pounding and at that moment, I heard him continue on to make the announcement about the sisters serving at age 19! It was such a surreal moment!

I almost immediately started crying!  I couldn't believe how much my life had (or had the potential to) change! No one was listening to conference at that moment, as we were completely overcome with emotion.  I called my mom, only to realize that she had been at my brother's cross country race, and HAD MISSED THE WHOLE ANNOUNCEMENT! What?!?! I had to explain that I could leave on a mission NOW! She didn't really understand at first, and it was surprising to her (surprising to everyone...).

I was extremely overwhelmed with emotion. Luckily, I have a marvelous mother and she explained that just because they had made the announcement that day, it didn't mean I had to make a decision today or even anytime soon. It was a great comfort.

Facebook status after the age change! 

I was so blessed that I had received conference tickets for the Sunday Morning Session. So Saturday afternoon, my roommates and I drove up to my Aunt's house in Sandy.  We had a fun night, going out to pizza and spending time with friends and family.  The dominant topic was (obviously) the age change.  Going to spend time with my extended family gave me a chance to ask them questions and get various opinions.  However, I was still in shock...I was so taken back by the announcement and was not expecting the age change AT ALL! I could only think about if I should go or not.

I was very unsettled so I ended up asking my uncle for a blessing.  The blessing gave me great comfort and peace.  At the moment, I decided to fast the next day while we went to conference.  Although I didn't expect an answer to all my questions, I hoped that I might know what I should do.

The next day, after a night of craft projects, late night talks, and four girls sleeping in the same bed, we woke up (late) to get ready to go to the Sunday Morning Conference Session. We were so excited, but tired! We rode the Trax up and got to the session! As we sat down and waiting, I felt calm.  I had a feeling that I would know by the end of the day if the Lord wanted me to serve or not. However, I was prepared to not immediately receive an answer too!

On the trax!  So excited for conference! :)

As I sat there waiting for the session to start, I had a little thought, hey, maybe if we sing Called to Serve as the Intermediate Hymn, maybe it would mean I was supposed to serve.  I didn't really think about that again, but I did realized that simply singing Called to Serve wouldn't mean that I was going to serve a mission.

I also thought about questions and doubts I had about serving a mission.  I had a list of them and I kept thinking about them.

Then conference began.  As every speaker spoke, EVERY ONE  of my doubts and questions was answered.  By the end of the first few talks, I was almost sure that I was going to serve a mission.  And then they announced the hymn, Called to Serve.  As we stood up to sing, I was overcome by the strongest spirit,  prompting me to serve a mission, and to turn in my papers as soon as possible. Tears streamed down my face as I realized that I was going to serve a mission!

As soon as the session was done, I called my parents.  I told them that I was to serve a mission.  They were so supportive.  I talked to my dad for a long time and  we cried, laughed, and talked together.  This discussion with my dad only strengthened my decision to serve a mission.  I was so happy (and to tell the truth, still in shock)

Does it look like I just made a life changing decision?!?
I went back to BYU, and that very day, I began my mission papers!

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